Clover Hill Village Hall

Clover Hill Toddler Group

We meet every Wednesday morning 9.30 - 11.00 in term time. Why not come and join us at Clover Hill Toddler Group for the morning where you can have a chat with other mums and dads, grandparents and carers.

It's £2 per family which includes drinks and biscuits. if you would like to have a look and try, pop in as the first session is free. At Clover Hill Toddler Group, these sessions can provide an excellent opportunity for your toddlers to get to know others that they may end up at pre-school with

We are also fortunate to have both indoor and outdoor facilities (weather permitting) here at Clover Hill Toddlers Group, with the use of our outdoor equipment. There is a baby changing area

We offer lots of toys, activities and crafts to play with in a safe happy enviooment for babies to preschool ages.

There are puzzles and books, soft play, dressing up clothes, trampoline, gluing, painting, climbing frame, all this plus more here at Clover Hill Toddler Group.

Contact: Sara 07905 655 242 / email

facebook: Clover Hill Toddler Group


01603 748 531

Clover Hill Village Hall, Humbleyard, Clover Hill, Norwich, Norfolk, NR5 9BN